It’s been an exciting couple of years for all of us at Hoffman! In 2012, we embarked on a journey of looking at every aspect of the Hoffman Process, and transforming our collective body of knowledge based on the last decade’s research that is relevant to what we do. For some time we’ve had a vision of “rejuvenating” the Hoffman Process. We finished our work in 2013, and launched in December of that year. Over the next several months, we hope to share some of our learning here on this blog. We come from a rich tradition of keeping up with the times, from the first days of the Hoffman Process in 1967 to our most current form in 2015.
We’ve landed fully in the current times. In looking at every aspect of the Process, one happy outcome for us is that the Process now falls into seven, rather than eight, days. With the refinement of the Cycle of Transformation, Process participants are introduced to four steps that create an emphasis on embodiment, practices and mindfulness, the combination of which help create new neural pathways. Becoming aware of the patterns that were formed by what we learned in childhood is an asset that attendees gain. Being able to transform awareness into action is one of the biggest takeaways from the Process.
In the last few years we studied the work of Dan Siegel, Rick Hanson, Norman Doidge, Besel van der Kolk, Kristin Neff, Brené Brown, Linda Graham, Paul Gilbert … just to name a few. One thing we learned/remembered is how far ahead of our time we have always been – it’s a wonderful experience that the work being published today is so deeply validating of the work we’ve been doing for 50 years. We also made some important shifts, keeping up with what we know today about how the brain changes and integrates learning.
The Process is in the best form it’s ever been, and we are proud of our faculty for embarking on the deep journey of learning and study that we’ve been in over the last few years.
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06/10/15 at 1:03 PM
Only One Word, EXCELLENT !
Guillermo Selva
06/08/15 at 9:13 AM
Best ever transformation training I experienced as mentor for CPPY in California, 2012